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  1. Chicago crimes
    1. Case study

Chicago crimes

Crime is a difficult and demanding aspect. The analysis of data related to this topic helps to reduce the risk of crime and provides an opportunity to react more quickly to incidents. The analysis of the Chicago Crimes dataset was the aim of one of the subjects of the master’s studies. This subpage presents a section relating to the possibility of relocating police stations for rapid response purposes.

The Chicago Police Department has been supplying information on the incidents since 2001. The database holds elements such as crime coordinates, type of crime, and the number of arrests. Based on this dataset, an intention was made to present the data visually.

Live demo

Case study

On my website (you can find under the live demo button), I have posted some of the steps I followed during the project. I also decided to make some dynamic parameters and plot them on the map. Visualization of clustering based on data, which were resulted from the k-means algorithm, was made. Additionally,

  • Some statistics have been made to investigate data
  • Cleaning data was done
  • Plotted the main police stations and quick response by the k-means clustering
  • The number of a quick response police station is based on dynamic parameter
