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Table of contents
  1. Stock price: jumping out and in of dividend stocks around ex dividend dates
    1. Import data and make some cleaning steps
    2. Calculate potential profit of dividend leaping
      1. Get the highest profit
      2. adjusted approach
    3. Conclusions

Stock price: jumping out and in of dividend stocks around ex dividend dates

The payment of dividends by a company is an attractive morsel for a shareholder. Such a company is better perceived because of its attractiveness and its willingness to share its profits with investors. But is it always profitable to own shares when dividends are paid? In this note, I will try to answer this question. For the analysis, I have chosen companies that regularly pay dividends on the Polish stock exchange.

Why are some people might leap the dividend?

Investing within brokerage accounts with some providers is possible in shares. These investment ways can be interesting to people who are familiar with trading on the stock market and are willing to make their own decisions. By setting up a diversified portfolio, we can buy shares in many companies. It reduces some of the possible consequences. If we invest outside our retirement accounts, and if we sell the shares at a profit or if we receive a dividend, we have to pay a tax of 19% on the profit. However, within retirement accounts, we do not have to pay this as such investing is tax-free, but only if we withdraw funds from such an account when we reach the appropriate retirement age. Skipping dividends makes sense in the case of companies with a high free float and a large capitalisation (as our sale will not have a large impact on the share price), when we want to deduct a previous loss and when we want to trade longer (19% tax must be paid by the end of April of the next year).

The amount we intend to invest in one company is PLN 10k (nonsignificant impact to the price of share).

Import data and make some cleaning steps

import pandas as pd
# The importing can be made in two ways. By download, the file and read by pd.read_csv, 
# or read directly by pandas from the website. Awareness: when many attempts is made to 
# the page, it may cause an internal error. It can be suspected of spam action.
# df = pd.read_csv("acp_d.csv")
df = pd.read_csv('')

def rename_df_stock_prices(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Change headers language to polish.
        df pd.DataFrame
        df pd.DataFrame
    df = df.rename(columns={"Data": "Date", 
                            "Otwarcie": "Opening", 
                            "Najwyzszy": "Highest", 
                            "Najnizszy": "Lowest", 
                            "Wolumen": "Volume"})
    df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
    return df

df = rename_df_stock_prices(df)
Date Opening Highest Lowest Closing Volume
0 1998-06-02 10.602 10.602 10.602 10.602 577707
1 1998-06-03 11.648 11.648 11.648 11.648 221464
2 1998-06-04 12.694 12.694 12.694 12.694 655891
3 1998-06-05 12.847 12.847 12.847 12.847 252087
4 1998-06-08 12.794 12.794 12.794 12.794 141804
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5758 2021-06-07 70.050 71.100 69.900 70.150 220481
5759 2021-06-08 70.100 71.300 69.800 70.900 84408
5760 2021-06-09 71.000 71.000 69.600 69.600 86795
5761 2021-06-10 69.650 71.000 69.650 70.950 59770
5762 2021-06-11 70.700 70.700 69.950 69.950 33492

5763 rows × 6 columns


Modified data analysis is prone to be confused. In the case of technical analysis (AT), it is necessary to take into account supports, upward movements, or other phenomena that may determine the price movement.

# Get the information of dividend payments
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

page = requests.get("")

def parse_request(page) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Parse request into pd.DataFrame
        df_list: pd.DataFrame
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
    df_list = pd.read_html(page.text)
    return df_list
df_list = parse_request(page)
Data Zdarzenie Nominalnie Dzielnik
0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 NaN UlubioneGPW, WIG20, AkcjeIndeksy, Azja, Europa... NaN NaN
2 NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 NaN Market On-line NaN NaN
4 NaN NaN NaN NaN
5 śro, 2 cze 2021 Dywidenda 4.23% 3.10000 1.044223
6 czw, 4 cze 2020 Dywidenda 4.11% 2.87300 1.042857
7 pią, 17 maj 2019 Dywidenda 5.96% 2.81910 1.063325
8 pią, 18 maj 2018 Dywidenda 6.68% 2.59080 1.071565
9 pon, 15 maj 2017 Dywidenda 5.43% 2.42580 1.057454
10 pią, 13 maj 2016 Dywidenda 5.41% 2.29410 1.057235
11 czw, 14 maj 2015 Dywidenda 4.85% 2.09060 1.050922
12 pon, 19 maj 2014 Dywidenda 5.89% 1.78350 1.062545
13 czw, 16 maj 2013 Dywidenda 5.06% 1.55590 1.053330
14 wto, 15 maj 2012 Dywidenda 4.64% 1.34210 1.048656
15 pią, 13 maj 2011 Dywidenda 3.48% 1.05210 1.036108
16 czw, 14 paź 2010 Prawo Poboru 0.20% 0.05636 1.001957
17 śro, 23 cze 2010 Dywidenda 2.54% 0.81640 1.026103
18 pon, 8 cze 2009 Dywidenda 1.83% 0.57610 1.018601
19 czw, 19 cze 2008 Dywidenda 0.95% 0.29633 1.009549
20 śro, 13 cze 2007 Dywidenda 0.46% 0.21350 1.004619
21 śro, 28 cze 2006 Dywidenda 1.67% 0.31865 1.016949
22 NaN NaN NaN NaN
23 NaN document.write(Modernizr.svg?'<svg xmlns="http... NaN NaN
# Process into pandas and convert into format='%d-%m-%Y'
df_list = pd.read_html(page.text, encoding='utf-8')

def clean_df_stock(df_list: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Cleaning df: extract date aby the regex and convert into format='%d-%m-%Y'.
    Additionally, change headers' language to English.
        df_list pd.DataFrame
        cleaned_df: pd.DataFrame
    # Remove rows with NaNs
    cleaned_df = df_list[0].copy().dropna(thresh=2)
    cleaned_df = cleaned_df.rename(columns={"Data": "Date", 
                                            "Zdarzenie": "Event", 
                                            "Nominalnie": "Nominal", 
                                            "Dzielnik": "Divider"})
    date_dict = {
    "sty": "01",
    "lut": "02",
    "kwi": "04",
    # Extract date from the Data column
    cleaned_df.loc[:,'Date'] = cleaned_df.loc[:,'Date'].str.extract('(\d+\s\w+\s\d+)', expand=False).str.strip()
    cleaned_df.loc[:,'Date'] = cleaned_df.loc[:,'Date'].replace(date_dict, regex=True)
    cleaned_df.loc[:,'Date'] = cleaned_df.loc[:,'Date'].replace(' ', '-', regex=True)
    cleaned_df.loc[:,'Date'] = pd.to_datetime(cleaned_df.loc[:,'Date'], format='%d-%m-%Y')

    return cleaned_df

cleaned_df = clean_df_stock(df_list)
Date Event Nominal Divider
5 2021-06-02 Dywidenda 4.23% 3.10000 1.044223
6 2020-06-04 Dywidenda 4.11% 2.87300 1.042857
7 2019-05-17 Dywidenda 5.96% 2.81910 1.063325
8 2018-05-18 Dywidenda 6.68% 2.59080 1.071565
9 2017-05-15 Dywidenda 5.43% 2.42580 1.057454
10 2016-05-13 Dywidenda 5.41% 2.29410 1.057235
11 2015-05-14 Dywidenda 4.85% 2.09060 1.050922
12 2014-05-19 Dywidenda 5.89% 1.78350 1.062545
13 2013-05-16 Dywidenda 5.06% 1.55590 1.053330
14 2012-05-15 Dywidenda 4.64% 1.34210 1.048656
15 2011-05-13 Dywidenda 3.48% 1.05210 1.036108
16 2010-10-14 Prawo Poboru 0.20% 0.05636 1.001957
17 2010-06-23 Dywidenda 2.54% 0.81640 1.026103
18 2009-06-08 Dywidenda 1.83% 0.57610 1.018601
19 2008-06-19 Dywidenda 0.95% 0.29633 1.009549
20 2007-06-13 Dywidenda 0.46% 0.21350 1.004619
21 2006-06-28 Dywidenda 1.67% 0.31865 1.016949
def get_only_dividend_event(cleaned_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Get only divident (pl: Dywidenda) event from dataframe
        cleaned_df pd.DataFrame
        cleaned_df pd.DataFrame
    return cleaned_df

cleaned_df = get_only_dividend_event(cleaned_df)

Calculate potential profit of dividend leaping

Get the highest profit

Assuming that the average provision for buy/sell share is equal to 0.38%, the calculation has been made. The maximum of ‘Highest’ column price value (before the dividend) has been taken into account and the ‘Lowest’ price (after the dividend payment).

F = highestmax - lowestmin - provision * (highestmax + lowestmin) - dividend



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from datetime import date  
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

# Set setting for plot of the transform stock price
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [15, 10]'seaborn-whitegrid')
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes()

# Create numpy range for 10 days before dividend, dividend day, and 10 days after
x = np.arange(0, 21, 1)

list_of_profits = []
list_of_minmaxscaled = []
list_of_scaled = []
list_of_noscaled = []

pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None

for index, row in cleaned_df.iterrows():
        dividend_day = pd.to_datetime(row['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
        idx = df[df.Date == dividend_day].index

        # Get the stock prices 10 session before dividend and 10 after
        filtered_idx = (idx - 10).union(idx+10)
        filtered_idx = filtered_idx[filtered_idx > 0]
        df_index_range = df.iloc[filtered_idx].reset_index() 
        # Based on filtering condition get only data between the range
        df_range_date = df.loc[(df["Date"] >= df_index_range['Date'][0]) & 
                        (df['Date'] <= df_index_range['Date'][1])]
                              ['Opening', 'Highest', 'Lowest', 'Closing']] += float(row['Nominal'])

        maximum = list_of_scaled[k].loc[list_of_scaled[k].Date<str(dividend_day), ['Highest']].max()
        minimum = list_of_scaled[k].loc[list_of_scaled[k].Date>=str(dividend_day), ['Lowest']].min()

        profit = (maximum.values-minimum.values)-maximum.values*0.0038-minimum.values*0.0038-float(row['Nominal'])    
        # Use MinMaxScaler for better visual changes in the stock prices
        scaler = MinMaxScaler()
        df_range_date = scaler.fit_transform(df_range_date[['Closing']]).T
        plt.plot(x, df_range_date.ravel())
    except IndexError:
        print("Insufficient data information. Probably the dataset doesn't have ten days after payment dividend")
Insufficient data information. Probably the dataset doesn't have ten days after payment dividend


counts, bins = np.histogram(list_of_profits)
plt.hist(bins[:-1], bins, weights=counts)
(array([3., 2., 3., 1., 3., 1., 0., 1., 0., 2.]),
 array([1.02662962, 1.50259882, 1.97856802, 2.45453721, 2.93050641,
        3.40647561, 3.88244481, 4.35841401, 4.8343832 , 5.3103524 ,
        5.7863216 ]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)


adjusted approach

Life has proved to be not perfect. For chosen company, we got more profit than holding the shares for dividend (#toTheMoon). Some of you might be long-term investors (by choice or by having a large loss on your shares, so you don’t sell - high five). For adding a more adjusted price of selling and buying, let’s get mean from the highest and lowest share’s price per day.

def calculate_adjusted_profit(cleaned_df: pd.DataFrame, df: pd.DataFrame) -> list:
    Calculate adjusted profit:
    mean from the highest and lowest share's price per day
        cleaned_df: pd.DataFrame
        df: pd.DataFrame
        list_of_profits: list
    # Create numpy range for 10 days before dividend, dividend day, and 10 days after
    x = np.arange(0, 21, 1)

    list_of_profits = []
    list_of_minmaxscaled = []
    list_of_scaled = []
    list_of_noscaled = []

    for index, row in cleaned_df.iterrows():
            dividend_day = pd.to_datetime(row['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
            idx = df[df.Date == dividend_day].index

            # Get the stock prices 10 session before dividend and 10 after
            filtered_idx = (idx - 10).union(idx+10)
            filtered_idx = filtered_idx[filtered_idx > 0]
            df_index_range = df.iloc[filtered_idx].reset_index() 
            # Based on filtering condition get only data between the range
            df_range_date = df.loc[(df["Date"] >= df_index_range['Date'][0]) & 
                            (df['Date'] <= df_index_range['Date'][1])]


                                  ['Opening', 'Highest', 'Lowest', 'Closing']] += float(row['Nominal'])

            maximum = list_of_scaled[k].loc[list_of_scaled[k].Date<str(dividend_day), ['Highest', 'Lowest']]
            maximum = ((maximum.Highest+maximum.Lowest)/2).max()

            minimum = list_of_scaled[k].loc[list_of_scaled[k].Date>=str(dividend_day), ['Highest', 'Lowest']]
            minimum = ((minimum.Highest+minimum.Lowest)/2).min()

            profit = (maximum-minimum)-maximum*0.0038-minimum*0.0038-float(row['Nominal'])      
            # Use MinMaxScaler for better visual changes in the stock prices
            scaler = MinMaxScaler()
            df_range_date = scaler.fit_transform(df_range_date[['Closing']]).T

            plt.plot(x, df_range_date.ravel())

        except IndexError:
            print("Insufficient data information. Probably the dataset doesn't have ten days after payment dividend")
        except KeyError:
            print("Missing data")
            # it occurs in ASE company, where the file doesn't contain all data
    return list_of_profits
list_of_profits = calculate_adjusted_profit(cleaned_df, df)
Insufficient data information. Probably the dataset doesn't have ten days after payment dividend


counts, bins = np.histogram(list_of_profits)
plt.hist(bins[:-1], bins, weights=counts)
(array([2., 3., 2., 2., 0., 5., 1., 0., 0., 1.]),
 array([0.03746272, 0.47188621, 0.90630971, 1.3407332 , 1.77515669,
        2.20958018, 2.64400368, 3.07842717, 3.51285066, 3.94727415,
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)


Based on a “adjusted” scenario, it can be concluded that for Asseco Poland, skipping a dividend in a short period before it is paid may give us a higher return than holding for a longer period.

By comparing companies that regularly pay dividends, those listed in the table were selected. They are notable for having paid dividends year on year regardless of the coronavirus pandemic.

Company Ticker For how many years has the dividend been paid continuously Dividend rate Sector
SNIEZKA SKA 17 2,9% Chemistry
NEUCA NEU 16 1,9% Pharmaceutical
DOMDEV DOM 14 9,3% Construction
WAWEL WWL 13 5,5% Foods
UNIBEP UNI 12 3,0% Construction
ASSECOBS ABS 12 5,1% Informatics
ASSECOSEE ASE 11 1,6% Informatics
KETY KTY 11 7,4% Metallurgical
AMBRA AMB 11 4,0% Foods

Source (PL):

stock_list_company=['ska', 'neu', 'dom', 'wwl', 'uni', 'abs', 'ase', 'amb']
data_profit = pd.DataFrame()

for company in stock_list_company:
    df = pd.read_csv(''+company+'&i=d&o=0001000')
    df = rename_df_stock_prices(df)
    page = requests.get(""+company)
    df_list = parse_request(page)
    cleaned_df = clean_df_stock(df_list)
    cleaned_df = get_only_dividend_event(cleaned_df)  
    profits = calculate_adjusted_profit(cleaned_df, df)
    data_profit = data_profit.append([profits.copy()])

data_profit = data_profit.transpose()
data_profit.columns = stock_list_company
data_profit = data_profit.round(2)
Missing data

<bound method NDFrame.describe of      ska    neu    dom     wwl   uni   abs   ase   amb
0  -1.16   1.41  13.86   11.24  0.64 -0.17 -0.18  0.89
1  -0.02  10.59   0.73   12.17  0.20  1.51  0.11 -0.00
2   1.40  -0.33   4.86  -23.69  0.25  3.02  1.29  0.54
3   0.63  10.87  -0.85   28.32  1.44  1.45  0.40  0.46
4  -1.01  17.52   1.87  -10.15  1.12  0.94  0.17  0.11
5   1.56   4.24   0.76   28.86  1.10  1.10  0.18  0.06
6   2.84  -2.92   1.17   42.30 -0.01  0.53  0.43  0.32
7   3.11  22.63   0.68  137.60  0.28 -0.28  0.17 -0.19
8   2.32   3.46   0.06   -5.86  0.40  0.35  0.50 -0.08
9  -0.20  -1.03  -0.42   14.99 -0.10  0.70  0.63  0.24
10  1.16  -1.06   2.24    7.47  0.22  0.68   NaN  0.39
11  0.81  -1.16   2.62   15.29  0.10  0.26   NaN  0.28
12  3.66   3.60   4.48   -9.90   NaN   NaN   NaN  1.93
13  1.18   7.96   5.32    5.73   NaN   NaN   NaN  0.22
14  0.72   2.42    NaN     NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN  0.01>


Based on the 50% percentyle, for all selected company, we have more profit if we skip the dividend. It is hard to say on which should we sell owned shares and buy again them. If it were that simple to pick the best days in regards to profits, we’d be millionaires.

For me, this project gave me opportunities to processing data by the pandas library. I also get some web scrapping techniques. As the project developed, I tried to apply new solutions to make the project more realistic and simulate real situations like commissions or taking the average min/max rate of a given day to eliminate excessive fluctuations.